The update also increased the level cap from 30 to 50. If the dragon's species isn't one of the 0 allowed species, then your dragon can't be used in Tactics, no matter what.

In order for your dragon to participate in the Tactics, the dragon has to be and adult or titan, have enough energy and not be in a Stable Mission. Update 2.13 on August 8th, 2018 introduced the ability to use your own dragons in Dragon Tactics, introducing six new stats and multiple moves for each dragon to use in battle. There are currently over 10+ dragons with Titan Stage. For the transformation, you need to collect 50 Runes (through dedicated Stable Missions), and to the new Titan Island. Dragons need to be at level 20 or higher to become Titans. Titan dragons have a higher energy level, and higher fire damage. Update 1.19 on April 20th, 2016 introduced the Titan stage. To make your dragon grow to teen and adult stages, you need to go to the Dragon Hearth in The Hatchery when the dragon reaches level 5 (for teen) or level 10 (for adult).
For more information on how to glide and fly, see the Flying & Gliding page. When mounted on your dragon, you are capable of shooting fireballs at fire pits and ships in the battle events. In the Broadwing stage (level 10 and beyond), your dragon can be mounted and flown. When your dragon reaches the Shortwing stage (levels 5-9), you can mount and glide with your dragon. Additionally, the Hatch Now cost does not decrease as the egg gets closer to its default hatching time. The cost varies by the species of the egg despite the fact that almost all eggs take the same amount of time to hatch. Incubating eggs have a Hatch Now option which allows a player to spend gems to hatch their egg right away. With the exception of the Gronckle, Hideous Zippleback, Deadly Nadder, and Monstrous Nightmare, all eggs save that of your starter dragon take twelve hours to hatch. The level up effect (dragon animation isn't included)ĭragons have five stages: Egg, Tinytooth (baby), Shortwing (teen), Broadwing (adult) and Titanwing (titan).