With Olivia's help, Zoë continued on Reza's trail to WATI City, Japan, the home of WATI, where Reza had been in contact with a man named Damien Cavanaugh. April was sympathetic, but little more - thinking Zoe was a fellow Shifter, she tried to help unlock Zoe's powers with hypnosis, but this simply sent Zoë back to the waking world, back to Stark. Searching for a way home, Zoë's mention of the name "April Ryan" to Minstrum Magda caught the attention of Brynn and he kidnapped her, bringing her to April to be questioned. This sent her 'dream presence' first to the Winter, then to Arcadia, where she found the huge caves inhabited by Grubbers and eventually found her way to the Journeyman Inn. She retrieved a package from JIVA for him, and discovering a dead woman in his apartment, and that the EYE was out in force, looking for him, Zoë followed his trail to Venice, Newport, where she was attacked by Marcus Crozier and the Twins, and forcibly hooked up to a Dreamer Console. Zoë had little time to dwell on it, as soon afterwards she was caught up in Reza's disappearance. The little girl kept repeating: "Find her, save her." To begin with Zoë waved it off as viral marketing, but the interference began to recur more and more frequently on several other screens she would pass, with the strange girl starting to call her by name, pleading with her to "find" and "save" April Ryan." Zoe saw a vision of a little girl and a Black House in a wintry landscape. Zoë is one morning broken out of her prolonged period of apathy when a strange Static interference appeared on Screen of her room. She begins narrating events beginning two weeks earlier, saying that all those who know the truth are either dead or have vanished off the face of the earth. "You don't understand! I have absolutely no idea what's going on! I'm almost starting to think that those stories Charlie told me about April Ryan are true." ―Zoë Castillo Īt the beginning of Dreamfall, Zoë is lying in bed, deep in a coma. As she told Reza, she had enough money to go wherever she wanted and do whatever she pleased, but there was nothing she wanted to do. She spent most of her time either lingering idly in her room and watching TV, taking long showers, and drinking coffee, while occasionally going to the gym to train with Jama Mbaye, or visiting her friend Olivia DeMarco. Soon, she dropped out of university, broke up with Reza and moved back to live with her father in Jardin des Roses, Casablanca. But a couple of semesters later, she started to feel plagued by a loss of direction and an emptiness in her life she was unable to fill. Zoë later enrolled at Cape Town University, taking a Bioneering degree - "my beautiful and talented daughter following in my footsteps," as her father teases - with a steady boyfriend, the journalist Reza Temiz. Her residential subsection was shut down for several days and Gabriel was anxious to protect her, so she did not witness much of the chaos. She was 10 years old when the Collapse occurred (2209). She went to primary school in London, and although she has since lived all over the world-often in the African continent-Zoë kept her English accent for the rest of her life. When she was 4 years old she was told her mother died, and Gabriel bought her Wonkers to provide some comfort in this time.